Impression Formation Social Neuroscience Lab
How do we form impressions of others? What are the consequences of our impressions for our thoughts, feeling, and decisions? Our lab investigates impression formation and social decision-making through the lenses of social cognition and social neuroscience. Our research uncovers how perceivers make sense of others using an array of perceptual cues (e.g., non-human characteristics, such as A.I. or robots; and human characteristics such as their appeared trustworthiness or emotion) and other sources of available knowledge (e.g., biographical or hierarchical information). We are also interested in how individual differences, the social context, and other environmental pressures shape the dynamics of social perception, evaluation, and decision-making. To accomplish this, we use a variety of methods, including behavioral measures (i.e., reaction-time data; economic games), computational modeling and machine learning (e.g., reinforcement learning, neural networks), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), event-related potentials (ERP), and psychophysiological measures (e.g., electrocardiographic and impedance cardiography signals).

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We are always looking for motivated folks to join the lab and opportunities to share our research.