Recent News
3/11: Congratulations to Inshil Addison for receiving a summer internship from the Army Research Lab
2/20: Congratulations to Maggie Welte for receiving UD’s Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence Award!!
2/8: Congratulations to Giuditta Scalco for giving a talk at the the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention!!
2/8: Four of our lab members are presenting at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention!!
11/13: Jeni Kubota participated in the SPARK Society ECR webinar series "Should I stay or should I go?
10/24: Congratulations to Sam Venezia for giving a talk at the Society for Psychophysiological Research!!
10/8: Jeni Kubota gave a masterclass on the Science of Bias for the The Independents Responsible University
10/8: Jasmin Cloutier was a panel member for the The Independents Responsible University conference on the Science of Bias
9/24: Congratulations to Andrea Wilhelm for for defending her Master’s Thesis!
8/14: Richa Gautam and Andrea Wilhelm presented MINERVA Research Initiative funded work at the 2024 Trust and Influence Program Review for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
8/8: Congratulations to Blake Tran and Francesca Tero for presenting their summer research projects at UD’s Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity!
8/2: Congratulations to Maggie Welte for passing her comprehensive exams!
7/23: Congratulations to Richa Gautam for passing her comprehensive exams!
7/2: Congratulations to Giuditta Scalco for defending her Master’s Thesis
5/17: Blake Tran and Lia Schnatz presented posters at the PBS Undergraduate Psychology Poster Day organized by Jas Cloutier
5/13: Jeni Kubota gave a talk at the International Graduate School of Neuroscience at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
5/9: Jeni Kubota joins the Editorial Board of Psychological Science
5/1: Jeni Kubota gave a talk at the National Children's Hospital in Washington DC for the Center for Neuroscience Research
4/22: Congratulations to Megan Colins for defending her Master’s Thesis!
4/15: Congratulations to Giuditta Scalco and Andrea Wilhelm, who each won a best poster award from the UD Innovate Research Showcase
4/11: Jeni Kubota gave a talk at the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society
4/9: Congratulations to Shaina Rosenblum for defending her Master’s Thesis!
3/19: Congratulations to Maggie Welte for defending her Master’s Thesis!
2/13: IFSN lab is excited to welcome Marissa Spears as an incoming graduate student for Fall 24
2/8: Five of our team members are presenting at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention
2/9: Jeni Kubota gave a talk at the SPSP Social Cognition Preconference
2/9: Congratulations to Sam Venezia for passing his comprehensive exams!
2/6: Giuditta Scalco won runner-up in the SPSP Graduate Student Poster Awards!
1/31: IFSN lab is excited to welcome Melda Sandikci as an incoming graduate student for Fall 24
1/8: Andréa Reynolds joins as the new IFSN lab manager
1/1: Jasmin Cloutier joins the Editorial Board of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
10/23: Maggie Welte received an SPSP Graduate Registration Stipend
8/22: Jeni Kubota was on the PsychSessions Podcast discussing how to create better classroom conversations
7/17: Jeni Kubota was elected Chair of a Committee for the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society
7/11: Congratulations to Grace Handley for defending her dissertation! Grace has also accepted a research position at AnLar!
7/10: Jeni Kubota accepted a position as the a Director of Professional Development for the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at UD
6/24: Grace Handley and Jeni Kubota will give talks at SPSSI during a symposium!
6/20: Jeni Kubota joins the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports
6/1: Jasmin Cloutier, Jeni Kubota, and Richa Gautam awarded a grant from the Department of Defense under its Minerva Research Initiative!
5/6: Andrea Wilhelm was awarded a spot in Dr. Steve Luck’s and Dr. Emily Kappenman’s ERP Boot Camp: A competitive 10-day camp focused on the fundamentals of ERP research
4/27: Richa Gautam presented at the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society Annual Convention on her work on human-AI social cognition and decision-making and Jeni Kubota gave a talk
2/23: Nine of our team members are presenting at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention!
2/21: Sam Venezia wins UD’s Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence
1/12: Andrea Wilhelm received a travel grant from Psi Chi
1/05: Sam Venezia and Richa Gautam defended their masters
11/29: Jeni Kubota was elected to the Governing Board of the SPARK Society
11/10: Jeni Kubota was elected to the Governing Board of the Social and Affective Neuroscience Society as a Director-At-Large
10/15: Jas Cloutier and Jeni Kubota gave talks at SESP
10/8: Congratulations to Richa Gautam and Grace Handley for their SPSP travel awards to attend SPSP in Atlanta in 2023
9/1: IFSN Lab welcomes 3 new graduate students: Giuditta Scalco, Samwell Cleary, and Maggie Welte
7/29: Jeni Kubota gave a talk at CogSci as part of the SPARK sponsored symposium
7/1: Congratulations to Denise Barth for defending her dissertation!
7/1: Congratulations to Jeni Kubota for getting tenure
6/15: Jeni Kubota named Associate Editor for the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes
6/14: Congratulations to Tzipporah Dang for defending her dissertation!
6/1: Stacy Mahiga has been selected as a McNair Scholar!
5/29: Richa Gautam presented a poster at APS and Jeni Kubota gave a talk
5/19: Jeni Kubota featured in the APS Observer
4/15: Congratulations to Jeni Kubota who was awarded a Senior Ford Fellowship
4/22: Stacy Mahiga and Sara Rocchino have been selected as UD Summer Scholars
4/22: Congratulations to Richa Gautam who got an honorable mention for the NSF GRFP
3/22: Samwell Cleary wins the University of Delaware Psychological and Brain Sciences Neuroscience Research Award!
2/22: Shaina Rosenblum wins the University of Delaware Psychological and Brain Sciences Plasket Award!
2/22: Congratulations to Shaina Rosenblum and Melissa Kilmer for their their graduate school acceptances!
2/22: IFSN lab is excited to welcome 3 incoming graduate students for Fall 22, Margaret Welte, Samwell Cleary, and Giuditta Scalco
2/22: Five of our team members presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention!
2/22: Congratulations to Jasmin Cloutier, Josh Correll, Paul Quinn, and Grace Handley for their NSF grant!
1/22: Congratulations to Tianyi Li for her Assistant Professor position at Hong Kong University!
12/21: Congratulations to Veronika Lerche for her Assistant Professor position at University of Kiel!
10/21: Jeni Kubota inducted as an honorary member of Nu Rho Psi
10/21: Jeni Kubota chaired the scientific organizing committee for a New York Academy of Sciences’ conference
10/21: Jeni Kubota gives a talk at the Harvard Women in Psychology's Annual Trends in Psychology Summit (TiPS)
10/21: Samwell Cleary presents poster at the Harvard Women in Psychology's Annual Trends in Psychology Summit (TiPS)
9/21: Congratulations to Jasmin Cloutier for getting tenure
7/21 Denise Barth gave a conference talk at Networks 2021
5/21: Jeni Kubota’s talk at the at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
5/21: Jeni Kubota interviewed for The Brains & Behavior Program. Panelist interview here
4/21: Jeni Kubota interviewed about her research and science path for The Neuroethics Blog
4/21: Gabriella Dagher wins the University of Delaware Psychological and Brain Sciences Neuroscience Research Award!
4/21: Samwell Cleary awarded a UD summer scholars fellowship!
4/21: Tzipporah Dang awarded the College of Arts and Sciences’ Graduate Student Professional Development Grant!
4/21: Article about Jeni Kubota’s talk at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine from the PBS department
3/21: Jeni Kubota gives a talk at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Committee on Science, Technology, and Law
2/21: IFSN lab is excited to welcome 2 incoming graduate students for Fall 21, Megan Collins (masters) and Inshil Paik (PhD)!
2/21: Tzipporah Dang wins the UD Dissertation Fellowship Award!
2/21: Welcome Eric Splan as a new postdoctoral fellow to the IFSN lab!
2/21: Jasmin Cloutier and Jeni Kubota awarded a grant from the Army Research Lab for the STRONG program: Improving longitudinal coadaptation of multi-human/multi-agent teams in response to internal and external signals!
12/20: Gabriella Dagher wins the University of Delaware Harward Munson Fellowship!
9/20: Richa Gautam gets an honorable mention for the NSF GRFP!
9/20: Jasmin Cloutier and Jeni Kubota awarded a second grant from the Army Research Lab for the STRONG program: Trust network emergence amongst resource-constrained human-agent teams!
9/20: Jasmin Cloutier and Jeni Kubota awarded a grant from the Army Research Lab for the STRONG program: Computational HAT model of status sensitivity to facilitate team trust and performance under suboptimal conditions!
3/20: Richa Gautam is awarded a Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholars Award!
3/20: Jasmin Cloutier and Jeni Kubota awarded a grant from the Army Research Lab for the STRONG program to investigate human and AI teaming!
2/20: Jeni Kubota gives a Keynote at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Conference